Rare Masterpieces of Nature – Luxury Furniture at AAREN Intpro
Born of the creative impulses of creators Andrea Forti and Eleonora Dal Farra comes Alcarol, a unique brand of furniture whose trademark characteristic is its attempt to showcase craft heritage through wood that is sourced locally, from all across the world. It breaks with convention to create deeply poetic woodwork that stands in sharp contrast to the uniformity of design that current large scale industrial processes bring. It does this by bringing into focus the uniqueness and solidity of handmade manufacturing.
Among the collections that Alcarol houses are pieces that have been sourced from Venetian lagoons, those acted upon by the native fungi of the Dolomite mountains and, wait for this, extremely rare wood the origins of which lie in the fifth century BC, no less.
Alcarol uses transparent resin to even out surfaces to create functional furniture that also showcases the undeniably unconventional and poetic materials that have often been acted upon by forces of nature for centuries, or even millennia in some cases.
Their collections manage to freeze time and the environment or atmospheres as they existed in the places of origin of these woods and also that of where the woodwork was crafted, while simultaneously breathing new life into them by turning them into functional pieces of furniture.
Each collection has its own story - often with a mind of its own - to tell and unfailingly captures the imagination each time, every time. To put it succinctly, Alcarol traps natural materials, often at the end of their life cycles, in resin to create a sort of furniture never before seen in the world. The Dolomyth collection, for instance, is crafted from chunks of mountain rock complete with natural lichens and mosses.
From seemingly minor but charming details such as underwater bubbles to wooden poles that have that have endured centuries of weathering have been restored and recreated into furniture by Alcarol. That such work is rare is no wonder. From sourcing to preservation, design and the actual creation are all experimental processes that take a step back from all things conventional to reexamine what seems obvious and, then, recreate the unconventional thereafter.
The brainchild of two creators, both of whom were born and spent their formative years in the Dolomite mountains, Alcarol was born of a rare creative spirit which embodies the soul of the land in which they were born and raised.
The wonder that each of these pieces inspires in you is no accident. Each one has been selected for the rarity it is - rare chemical process, unconventional design and local woodwork techniques, all come together to create true masterpieces that only nature can best.